Rick Chess

Called into

the arms of history, arms

that embrace, arms that steady, arms

that secure and crush, called at night, called by

 a reed but they were uncertain what the reed

was calling them to, called by blood and bone

of a lamb, but they were unsure of what the stain

of blood and weight of bone were calling them to.

The sea of history parted once for them to pass through.

The story of freedom cleared a path for them

and they walked it, they shuffled, limped, dragged

or skipped through it.  Once were they invited 

but they hesitated, some hesitated,

like you, my son, invited now

to come into the arms of your history, the long

page of which will be recited tonight, here

on the far shore of the sea of their crossing

into history, here where I invite you to be embraced

by the story, to be strengthened by it, to sing it

with your blood and strong bone.


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